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Cookoo Charlie's Animal Alphabet - Hippo


Four black levers spastically smacked repeatedly. Blue, green, yellow and red hippo heads elongate forward. Mouths open, swallowing tiny red balls and snap back. The balls roll around in their pockets.

It’s game night at the Reynold’s house. And that doesn’t mean football, folks. When Annie Reynolds was growing up her parents made it a point to have a game night to keep the family bonded and talking. She was well aware in this age of idiotic smart phones and violent video games, her children would grow up ten times faster than she did. Sadly, you couldn’t stop it. But you could do your damnedest to impede its inevitable progress.

From the center of the board, a huge hippo head appeared. Rising quickly, the hippo opened up it’s huge mouth that could snap a crocodile’s spine. With a quick snatch and big gulp, Mrs. Reynold’s oldest boy slid down the river horse’s throat.

Familial screaming begins, as the hippo’s face transforms into the face of Cookoo Charlie, the cannibal clown.

“Damn, that sure was one fuckin’ hungry hippo”, stated Cookoo.

Then he began to sing:

“It’s a race, it’s a chase, hurry up and feed my face

Who will win? No one knows. In my big mouth, your kid goes.

Hungry, hungry hippos! Who’s next in line, you suppose?”

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